Female Entrepreneur of the Year
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Rite Careers is pleased to announce that our founder, Mary Whitaker, has been awarded the Rise Asset Development “Female Entrepreneur of the Year” sponsored by Shoppers.
With her educational background in psychology (BA), a social Service Worker Diploma, and certification as a Career Strategist, Mary works with her clients to suggest career paths and can administer career testing to explain the results to her clients.
- Published in Career, Career progression, Job fair, Job interview
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Doing a job search is more than looking at job boards
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
It is quite common knowledge I thought that most employment opportunities are not found on job boards however many job seekers spend most of their time looking at job boards only 20% of jobs are advertised on job boards.
- Published in Career, Job fair, Job interview, Job search
Your Relationship with a Career Coach is about Change
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
One thing is for sure that will happen in your career or job is Change.
When you work with a Career Coach, it is a different kind of relationship as they want you to succeed in changing careers or jobs . A career coach will help you identify your strengths, your own uniqueness and help you strategize plans of action to meet your career goals. A career coach will motivate you to be adaptable for change management and guide you to be in control of change in your career. A career coach is authentic, sincere and truly interested in your career journey.
- Published in Career, Career progression, Job interview, Job search
So, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Saturday, 05 October 2019
Remember when you were 5 years old, people used to always ask what to you want to be when you grow up? Today, regardless of your age, you and others ask the same question just reworded. In today’s labour market with low unemployment rates, job seekers have more options. It has been clear that people change jobs for a variety of reason to meet personal career goals and individual motivation.
- Published in Career, Career progression, Job interview, Job search
Get Ready For Fall Hiring
Friday, 20 September 2019
Fall everyone thinks it as going back to school or starting a new school but what about starting your new career?
The job market is shifting as employers need qualified candidates and often start the hiring process before the closing date or they leave it open until they find the right fit. Therefore, it is critical to be prepared:
Know your specific career objective
Know your strengths and transferable skills
- Published in Career, Job fair, Job interview, Job search
Essentials of a Cover Letter
Sunday, 08 September 2019
When addressing a job posting, focus on what you are writing to make the reader want to look at and read your letter with good content. Below are 4 steps to include in 4 simple paragraphs. What position are you applying for? Grab the reader’s attention in the first paragraph as to why you are applying for what position
- Published in Career, Job fair, Job interview, Job search
Graduation, Then What?
Monday, 15 July 2019
You have just graduated from your post-secondary program now what? Now your journey begins in finding employment related to your educational program or maybe something different. What is your career strategy?
- Published in Career, Job fair, Job interview, Job search
Congrats University Grads
Saturday, 15 June 2019
Congratulations to the many new and recent graduates from a variety of school programs, I have coached over the last 6 years who have successfully found jobs that were aligned to their education. The list below are individuals representing a new career path in which they were able to utilize their educational knowledge in beginning their careers.
- Published in Career, Job fair, Job interview, Job search